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HOPE - Be The Instrument Of Change

Hope.... a vocation that is regarded as worthy of our commitment and requires dedication even in the hardest of times. Yesterday I heard of another person who had lost their hope and thought there was no other way out of their pain and suffering but to end their life. How does this happen in a world where there are so much free information, apps and resources online, so many support agencies, such much community solidarity about preventing suicide? This is because hope is a heart issue and not a head issue.... we can know all the information in the world about something and have access to it but still not believe it for our own lives.... issues of the heart are hard to address because when the heart is wounded it fails to perform what it is intended to do which is to pump living breath into our souls... We are all called to instill hope in each other through encouragement, empathy, curiosity, humility and non-judgement of our fellow man. We can find hope in our faith and in doing community together, not in criticism, harsh judgement or condemnation this just brings doubt, worthlessness and confusion and wounds the heart 💔 Next time you see someone who looks like they are loosing HOPE, step out and be the change we all want to see, instead of entertaining thoughts of judgement, take a moment to encourage that person and reassure they matter, BECAUSE THEY DO.... WE ALL DO.... Don’t be afraid to ask ‘are you ok?’, tell someone you care about them and offer assistance to seek support, and walk with them, it can literally be a matter of life and death... We are all an important part of the solution by being an ANCHOR for someone’s beautiful soul to hold onto, we can help them find HOPE again and to end the skyrocketing numbers of people who are loosing HOPE

Any incredible amazing soul out there who may read this..... YOU MATTER you always did and always will it is not what you do or how much you have that make you matter it is who you are.... and amazing creation and no one can take your place in this world... you are unique and made for a purpose that is good...... DONT BE ROBBED OF YOUR DESTINY.... if you need support ring: Emergency on 0000 Lifeline on 13 11 14

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